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21. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you. --Christian D. Larson 怀抱一种信仰坚信———只要保持自己最美好的一面,世界将与你同在。
22. You can"t make a rainbow without a little rain.不见风雨,哪会有彩虹。努力向前冲吧,加油!
23. Modesty will let you grow on the inside and you will become beautiful on the outside! 谦逊会令你在内里成长,你会变得美丽!
24. Whereever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine——无论去哪儿,什么天气,记得带上自己的阳光。
25. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. 原谅自己过去的错误,向未来你会取得的更大的成就前进。