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往往不求而得的就是求而不得的Often do not ask and get is to seek but not下面是为小编为大家整理的千与千寻关于友情的句子英文希望大家喜欢。
1、那飞泻下来的银链,在阳光下闪烁,使银链更明亮。而银链的宏伟,大于任何一个饰物;而银链的庞大,又大于任何一个无形的气墙。 the flying down the silver chain, flashing in the sun, make the silver chain more bright. And the grandeur of the silver chain is greater than any ornament; And the silver chain is larger than any invisible air wall.
2、曾经我不懂爱,所以我玩弄爱,现在我懂爱了,却不能再爱了。 once I do not understand love, so I play with love, now I know love, but can no longer love.
3、想挣钱的人不少,能挣到钱的人不多。有本事的人挣钱都难,一般的人挣钱更难。there are many people who want to make money, but not many who can make money. It is difficult for capable people to earn money, and it is even harder for ordinary people to earn money.