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10、 愿你安然羽翼丰满,我等你等至,你我成婚的夏天。
May you be safe and fllledged. 'll wait for yo u till the summer when you and | get married.
11、 哪怕千秋万载世人笑我痴心不改,年复一年我看遍沧海仍候君归来。
Even if the world laughs at me for thousands of years, I still wait for you to come back year afte r year after year.
12、 宇宙洪荒,泪不尽遗世风霜。流年末世,此生痴守为一人。
The universe is flooded and desolate, with endl ess tears. At the end of his lifetime, he was a fo ol in his life.

13、 若以色见我。以音声求我。是人行邪道。不能见如来。
If you see me with color. Ask me with your voic e. It's an evil way. You can't see the Tathagata.14、只缘感君-回顾,使我思君朝与暮。
Only a review of the emperor's feelings makes me miss the emperor's days and nights.
15、 咽不下金莼玉粒噎满喉,照不见菱花镜里形容瘦。